

Our repair blogs aim to provide you with valuable and expert knowledge to repair systems, including iMac and MacBook (all models). From troubleshooting common hardware and software issues to optimising system performance, our repair blogs offer everything. Get step-by-step guides, tips, and tricks for repairs of various devices, including iMac screen repair, Mac Pro screen repair, phone display repair, and more. Learn about effective techniques to handle repair issues with your smartphones and systems. Whether it's a software glitch, hardware malfunction, or performance slowdown, our system repairs blog is your trusted resource for repair and maintenance tips.

One Stop Repairing Services In Auckland: 73 INC


73 INC, an Auckland-based apple repair retail service provider, provides the most detailed and sophisticated repair services. Now worry not if your mac device has been damaged, broken, or is out of function. 73 INC is available for help and assistance in bringing you back the feel of using your mac products. Be it a […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

How much does it cost to replace the screen of a MacBook?


MacBooks by Apple are the most powerful and well-designed laptops available on the market. However, that doesn’t mean the devices are unbreakable. Just like other laptops, MacBooks are also susceptible to damage. You can drop it or damage it accidentally, and that may cause a huge crack on the screen. Besides, sometimes, your MacBook’s screen […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

Troubleshooting Steps to a Laptop Screen Repair


A laptop screen is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of the gadget that’s prone to get damaged. There are multiple components in the laptop that makes it a bigger problem to solve when it comes to inconvenience. This includes the LED screen, the flex cable, the backlight, and the motherboard, along with […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

Repair and Maintenance Tips for Spyware Protection


Many of us often fail to protect our hot gadgets from potential malware and spyware. This malware is capable of decreasing the productivity of your gadgets and leaving them in a vulnerable state where they are at risk of getting infected with viruses. There are so many potential ways to take care of your devices. […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

Common Mac Hardware/Software Issues and How to Fix Them

Mac users are well aware of the fact that we may have occasional problems due to the occurrence of specific frequent issues. It starts to move more slowly now and then, an error notice appears, and before you know it, many mistakes have ballooned together since you didn’t address them when they came in the […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

Need Repairs? 73inc Has Everything You Need!


Having an Apple product is one of the best investments you can make for yourself. They are indeed one of the best investments you can make in your business and professional outlook. It sets a standard for yourself and allows your to be a part of the ever growing and improving Apple universe. It will […]

Read Now ~ 2 years ago

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