

Our repair blogs aim to provide you with valuable and expert knowledge to repair systems, including iMac and MacBook (all models). From troubleshooting common hardware and software issues to optimising system performance, our repair blogs offer everything. Get step-by-step guides, tips, and tricks for repairs of various devices, including iMac screen repair, Mac Pro screen repair, phone display repair, and more. Learn about effective techniques to handle repair issues with your smartphones and systems. Whether it's a software glitch, hardware malfunction, or performance slowdown, our system repairs blog is your trusted resource for repair and maintenance tips.

Fix Your MacBook Screen in Auckland: Affordable Repair Services


Does your MacBook screen suddenly turn dim or cracked? Fear not! MacBook Screen Replacement in Auckland is way easier and cost-effective than what you think. We will help you get the favorite device working again, in this article, without making a dent in your pocket. Without a fully working MacBook, doing your best in school […]

Read Now ~ 2 months ago

10 Expert Tips for Fast and Effective Screen Repairs: A Comprehensive Guide


Screen repairs can be a daunting task, especially when your MacBook is an essential part of your daily life. Whether it’s work, studies, or personal use, having a cracked or damaged screen can disrupt your routine. At 73inc Limited, we understand the urgency of getting your device back in perfect working condition as quickly as […]

Read Now ~ 2 months ago

MacBook Screen Color Distortion: Quick Fixes


Have your MacBook’s screen colors gone funny while you were amid something important or entertaining? Does the screen keep flickering and show weird colors? If so, it means you are dealing with MacBook screen color distortion. This is one of the most common MacBook screen issues. And, because it happens all of a sudden and […]

Read Now ~ 2 months ago

Cracked MacBook Screen? Discover Quick and Reliable Repair Solutions


Cracked MacBook Screen? Here’s How to Secure Fast and Reliable Repairs  Is your MacBook screen cracked? We know how frustrating that can be, but don’t worry. In this guide, we’ll help you navigate the process of obtaining quick and reliable screen repairs for your MacBook, ensuring minimal disruption to your productivity.  Why You Need Swift […]

Read Now ~ 3 months ago

Conquering the Blue Screen of Death: A Step-by-Step Repair Guide

We’ve all been there: you’re right in the middle of that vital project or engrossed in a game when suddenly your screen turns an ominous shade of blue. The blue screen of death (BSOD), also known as the blue death screen, is one of the most frustrating experiences for Windows users. This error occurs when […]

Read Now ~ 3 months ago

The Ultimate Guide to Data Recovery: How to Retrieve Your Lost Files Safely and Efficiently


In this digital world, data is becoming more and more crucial, and this is even truer for the data kept on our devices. It could be the crux of one’s office work, precious family photos, or long-lasting spiritual life, which can then go on to become a stressful experience when it disappears. Nevertheless, with the […]

Read Now ~ 4 months ago

Everything You Need to Know About the Apple Repair Store in Auckland City: A Shopper’s Paradise


Located in the heart of New Zealand’s largest city is a haven for Apple device owners: the repair center at Apple Store Auckland City. From its repair offering to tips on how to get the most out of your visit, this article discusses all you need to know about this core service hub. Whether it’s […]

Read Now ~ 4 months ago

The Ultimate Guide to Screen Repairs: How to Troubleshoot, Fix and Prevent Common Issues


Screens serve as our main interface with devices in our environment going increasingly digital. Everyday life depends on screens, whether they be on desktop computers, tablets, or laptops. These essential parts breaking down or getting damaged might seriously interfere with our leisure, communication, and work. This thorough guide will explore the world of screen repairs […]

Read Now ~ 4 months ago

Software Troubleshooting: Fixing Common Issues on Your Apple Devices


Apple products have evolved into a necessary aspect of our lives in the digital era since they let us easily enjoy ourselves, work, and communicate. Still, occasionally, problems and issues with software can afflict even the most modern technologies. Whether you know nothing about Mac and iOS devices or are a seasoned Apple user, knowing […]

Read Now ~ 4 months ago

Discover the Top Computer Repair Places Near You: A Comprehensive Guide

Whether for business, leisure, or communication, our computers have evolved into an essential component of every day in the digital era. Like any other piece of technology, computers do, however, occasionally have problems ranging from hardware failures to software bugs. When confronted with such issues, it might be intimidating to choose a reliable and trustworthy […]

Read Now ~ 4 months ago

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